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Christine Cooper

Christine Cooper is the Executive Vice-President & Head of BMO Commercial Bank, Canada.  She leads a talented team committed to providing innovative financial solutions and best-in-class relationship management for commercial clients. BMO Commercial Bank has been named Best Commercial Bank in Canada by World Finance for the last nine consecutive years.  

Christine has a proven track record of success in the financial services industry with over 30-years of experience. She joined BMO in 2006 and has delivered results across the business with executive positions in retail, commercial, and corporate areas working regionally on both the east and west coasts as well as nationally.  

Christine holds a BA, MBA, and is a Fellow of the Institute of Canadian Bankers. Christine was previously named by WXN as one of Canada’s Top 100 Most Powerful Women.

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Five Steps to Prepare for a successful EOT transition

BMO, an early advocate for EOTs in Canada, has decades of experience supporting employee-owned firms. In this article they highlight five essentials for owners considering EOTs.