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Tiara Letourneau

Tiara Letourneau is the CEO and Co-Founder of Rewrite Capital Advisors, an M&A advisory firm dedicated exclusively to creating employee ownership trusts for Canadian companies. She is Board Chair of Employee Ownership Canada, and was instrumental in designing and creating Canada’s new EOT legislation. Tiara holds a Masters of Finance from Cambridge University, and has worked in poverty alleviation and international finance. She helped design the UN Green Climate Fund’s Private Sector Facility for co-investing in climate change. Now she designs employee ownership transformation strategies to help Canadians protect their businesses and to reduce wealth inequality.

M12 16.5C13.1931 16.4988 14.337 16.0243 15.1806 15.1806C16.0243 14.337 16.4988 13.1931 16.5 12V6C16.5 4.80653 16.0259 3.66193 15.182 2.81802C14.3381 1.97411 13.1935 1.5 12 1.5C10.8065 1.5 9.66193 1.97411 8.81802 2.81802C7.97411 3.66193 7.5 4.80653 7.5 6V12C7.50124 13.1931 7.97575 14.337 8.81939 15.1806C9.66303 16.0243 10.8069 16.4988 12 16.5ZM9 6C9 5.20435 9.31607 4.44129 9.87868 3.87868C10.4413 3.31607 11.2044 3 12 3C12.7956 3 13.5587 3.31607 14.1213 3.87868C14.6839 4.44129 15 5.20435 15 6V12C15 12.7956 14.6839 13.5587 14.1213 14.1213C13.5587 14.6839 12.7956 15 12 15C11.2044 15 10.4413 14.6839 9.87868 14.1213C9.31607 13.5587 9 12.7956 9 12V6ZM12.75 19.4625V22.5C12.75 22.6989 12.671 22.8897 12.5303 23.0303C12.3897 23.171 12.1989 23.25 12 23.25C11.8011 23.25 11.6103 23.171 11.4697 23.0303C11.329 22.8897 11.25 22.6989 11.25 22.5V19.4625C9.40091 19.2743 7.68728 18.4072 6.44048 17.0288C5.19368 15.6504 4.50228 13.8586 4.5 12C4.5 11.8011 4.57902 11.6103 4.71967 11.4697C4.86032 11.329 5.05109 11.25 5.25 11.25C5.44891 11.25 5.63968 11.329 5.78033 11.4697C5.92098 11.6103 6 11.8011 6 12C6 13.5913 6.63214 15.1174 7.75736 16.2426C8.88258 17.3679 10.4087 18 12 18C13.5913 18 15.1174 17.3679 16.2426 16.2426C17.3679 15.1174 18 13.5913 18 12C18 11.8011 18.079 11.6103 18.2197 11.4697C18.3603 11.329 18.5511 11.25 18.75 11.25C18.9489 11.25 19.1397 11.329 19.2803 11.4697C19.421 11.6103 19.5 11.8011 19.5 12C19.4977 13.8586 18.8063 15.6504 17.5595 17.0288C16.3127 18.4072 14.5991 19.2743 12.75 19.4625Z

Transforming Business Exits: Canada’s Innovative Employee Ownership Trust Law

Mario Nigro and special guest Tiara Letourneau of Rewrite Capital Advisors discuss employee ownership trusts (EOTs).
M5.25 12.75C5.25 12.9489 5.17098 13.1397 5.03033 13.2803C4.88968 13.421 4.69891 13.5 4.5 13.5H2.25C2.05109 13.5 1.86032 13.421 1.71967 13.2803C1.57902 13.1397 1.5 12.9489 1.5 12.75C1.5 12.5511 1.57902 12.3603 1.71967 12.2197C1.86032 12.079 2.05109 12 2.25 12H3V6H2.25C2.05109 6 1.86032 5.92098 1.71967 5.78033C1.57902 5.63968 1.5 5.44891 1.5 5.25C1.5 5.05109 1.57902 4.86032 1.71967 4.71967C1.86032 4.57902 2.05109 4.5 2.25 4.5H3.75C3.87697 4.49986 4.00189 4.53196 4.11306 4.59329C4.22423 4.65461 4.31802 4.74316 4.38562 4.85063L7.5 9.83531L10.6144 4.8525C10.6818 4.74469 10.7754 4.65577 10.8866 4.59411C10.9978 4.53245 11.1229 4.50006 11.25 4.5H12.75C12.9489 4.5 13.1397 4.57902 13.2803 4.71967C13.421 4.86032 13.5 5.05109 13.5 5.25C13.5 5.44891 13.421 5.63968 13.2803 5.78033C13.1397 5.92098 12.9489 6 12.75 6H12V12H12.75C12.9489 12 13.1397 12.079 13.2803 12.2197C13.421 12.3603 13.5 12.5511 13.5 12.75C13.5 12.9489 13.421 13.1397 13.2803 13.2803C13.1397 13.421 12.9489 13.5 12.75 13.5H10.5C10.3011 13.5 10.1103 13.421 9.96967 13.2803C9.82902 13.1397 9.75 12.9489 9.75 12.75C9.75 12.5511 9.82902 12.3603 9.96967 12.2197C10.1103 12.079 10.3011 12 10.5 12V7.86469L8.13562 11.6475C8.06817 11.7552 7.97445 11.844 7.86327 11.9056C7.75209 11.9671 7.62708 11.9994 7.5 11.9994C7.37292 11.9994 7.24791 11.9671 7.13673 11.9056C7.02555 11.844 6.93183 11.7552 6.86438 11.6475L4.5 7.86469V12C4.69891 12 4.88968 12.079 5.03033 12.2197C5.17098 12.3603 5.25 12.5511 5.25 12.75ZM15.75 10.5H21.75C21.9489 10.5 22.1397 10.421 22.2803 10.2803C22.421 10.1397 22.5 9.94891 22.5 9.75C22.5 9.55109 22.421 9.36032 22.2803 9.21967C22.1397 9.07902 21.9489 9 21.75 9H15.75C15.5511 9 15.3603 9.07902 15.2197 9.21967C15.079 9.36032 15 9.55109 15 9.75C15 9.94891 15.079 10.1397 15.2197 10.2803C15.3603 10.421 15.5511 10.5 15.75 10.5ZM21.75 12H15.75C15.5511 12 15.3603 12.079 15.2197 12.2197C15.079 12.3603 15 12.5511 15 12.75C15 12.9489 15.079 13.1397 15.2197 13.2803C15.3603 13.421 15.5511 13.5 15.75 13.5H21.75C21.9489 13.5 22.1397 13.421 22.2803 13.2803C22.421 13.1397 22.5 12.9489 22.5 12.75C22.5 12.5511 22.421 12.3603 22.2803 12.2197C22.1397 12.079 21.9489 12 21.75 12ZM21.75 15H7.5C7.30109 15 7.11032 15.079 6.96967 15.2197C6.82902 15.3603 6.75 15.5511 6.75 15.75C6.75 15.9489 6.82902 16.1397 6.96967 16.2803C7.11032 16.421 7.30109 16.5 7.5 16.5H21.75C21.9489 16.5 22.1397 16.421 22.2803 16.2803C22.421 16.1397 22.5 15.9489 22.5 15.75C22.5 15.5511 22.421 15.3603 22.2803 15.2197C22.1397 15.079 21.9489 15 21.75 15ZM21.75 18H7.5C7.30109 18 7.11032 18.079 6.96967 18.2197C6.82902 18.3603 6.75 18.5511 6.75 18.75C6.75 18.9489 6.82902 19.1397 6.96967 19.2803C7.11032 19.421 7.30109 19.5 7.5 19.5H21.75C21.9489 19.5 22.1397 19.421 22.2803 19.2803C22.421 19.1397 22.5 18.9489 22.5 18.75C22.5 18.5511 22.421 18.3603 22.2803 18.2197C22.1397 18.079 21.9489 18 21.75 18Z

How does an EOT Transaction work?

Canada’s Employee Ownership Trusts (EOT) are a smart succession planning strategy so that business owners can sell their companies to employees. Learn how EOT transactions work.
M5.25 12.75C5.25 12.9489 5.17098 13.1397 5.03033 13.2803C4.88968 13.421 4.69891 13.5 4.5 13.5H2.25C2.05109 13.5 1.86032 13.421 1.71967 13.2803C1.57902 13.1397 1.5 12.9489 1.5 12.75C1.5 12.5511 1.57902 12.3603 1.71967 12.2197C1.86032 12.079 2.05109 12 2.25 12H3V6H2.25C2.05109 6 1.86032 5.92098 1.71967 5.78033C1.57902 5.63968 1.5 5.44891 1.5 5.25C1.5 5.05109 1.57902 4.86032 1.71967 4.71967C1.86032 4.57902 2.05109 4.5 2.25 4.5H3.75C3.87697 4.49986 4.00189 4.53196 4.11306 4.59329C4.22423 4.65461 4.31802 4.74316 4.38562 4.85063L7.5 9.83531L10.6144 4.8525C10.6818 4.74469 10.7754 4.65577 10.8866 4.59411C10.9978 4.53245 11.1229 4.50006 11.25 4.5H12.75C12.9489 4.5 13.1397 4.57902 13.2803 4.71967C13.421 4.86032 13.5 5.05109 13.5 5.25C13.5 5.44891 13.421 5.63968 13.2803 5.78033C13.1397 5.92098 12.9489 6 12.75 6H12V12H12.75C12.9489 12 13.1397 12.079 13.2803 12.2197C13.421 12.3603 13.5 12.5511 13.5 12.75C13.5 12.9489 13.421 13.1397 13.2803 13.2803C13.1397 13.421 12.9489 13.5 12.75 13.5H10.5C10.3011 13.5 10.1103 13.421 9.96967 13.2803C9.82902 13.1397 9.75 12.9489 9.75 12.75C9.75 12.5511 9.82902 12.3603 9.96967 12.2197C10.1103 12.079 10.3011 12 10.5 12V7.86469L8.13562 11.6475C8.06817 11.7552 7.97445 11.844 7.86327 11.9056C7.75209 11.9671 7.62708 11.9994 7.5 11.9994C7.37292 11.9994 7.24791 11.9671 7.13673 11.9056C7.02555 11.844 6.93183 11.7552 6.86438 11.6475L4.5 7.86469V12C4.69891 12 4.88968 12.079 5.03033 12.2197C5.17098 12.3603 5.25 12.5511 5.25 12.75ZM15.75 10.5H21.75C21.9489 10.5 22.1397 10.421 22.2803 10.2803C22.421 10.1397 22.5 9.94891 22.5 9.75C22.5 9.55109 22.421 9.36032 22.2803 9.21967C22.1397 9.07902 21.9489 9 21.75 9H15.75C15.5511 9 15.3603 9.07902 15.2197 9.21967C15.079 9.36032 15 9.55109 15 9.75C15 9.94891 15.079 10.1397 15.2197 10.2803C15.3603 10.421 15.5511 10.5 15.75 10.5ZM21.75 12H15.75C15.5511 12 15.3603 12.079 15.2197 12.2197C15.079 12.3603 15 12.5511 15 12.75C15 12.9489 15.079 13.1397 15.2197 13.2803C15.3603 13.421 15.5511 13.5 15.75 13.5H21.75C21.9489 13.5 22.1397 13.421 22.2803 13.2803C22.421 13.1397 22.5 12.9489 22.5 12.75C22.5 12.5511 22.421 12.3603 22.2803 12.2197C22.1397 12.079 21.9489 12 21.75 12ZM21.75 15H7.5C7.30109 15 7.11032 15.079 6.96967 15.2197C6.82902 15.3603 6.75 15.5511 6.75 15.75C6.75 15.9489 6.82902 16.1397 6.96967 16.2803C7.11032 16.421 7.30109 16.5 7.5 16.5H21.75C21.9489 16.5 22.1397 16.421 22.2803 16.2803C22.421 16.1397 22.5 15.9489 22.5 15.75C22.5 15.5511 22.421 15.3603 22.2803 15.2197C22.1397 15.079 21.9489 15 21.75 15ZM21.75 18H7.5C7.30109 18 7.11032 18.079 6.96967 18.2197C6.82902 18.3603 6.75 18.5511 6.75 18.75C6.75 18.9489 6.82902 19.1397 6.96967 19.2803C7.11032 19.421 7.30109 19.5 7.5 19.5H21.75C21.9489 19.5 22.1397 19.421 22.2803 19.2803C22.421 19.1397 22.5 18.9489 22.5 18.75C22.5 18.5511 22.421 18.3603 22.2803 18.2197C22.1397 18.079 21.9489 18 21.75 18Z

Is an EOT right for you and your business?

Is it time to sell your business, but you’re unsure who will buy it?