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October 9, 2024

Transforming Business Exits: Canada’s Innovative Employee Ownership Trust Law

Tiara Letourneau
CEO and Co-Founder of Rewrite Capital Advisors
October 9, 2024

Transforming Business Exits: Canada’s Innovative Employee Ownership Trust Law

Tiara Letourneau
CEO and Co-Founder of Rewrite Capital Advisors
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M23.25 11.2498C23.2488 10.0567 22.7743 8.91287 21.9306 8.06923C21.087 7.22558 19.9431 6.75108 18.75 6.74984H15.0187C14.7459 6.7339 9.99188 6.39921 5.46469 2.60234C5.24607 2.41873 4.97959 2.30132 4.69656 2.26391C4.41353 2.2265 4.12571 2.27064 3.86689 2.39114C3.60807 2.51163 3.38902 2.70349 3.23546 2.94417C3.0819 3.18484 3.00022 3.46434 3 3.74984V18.7498C3.00004 19.0354 3.0816 19.315 3.23508 19.5558C3.38857 19.7967 3.60761 19.9887 3.86646 20.1093C4.12532 20.2299 4.41322 20.2741 4.69633 20.2367C4.97945 20.1994 5.24601 20.0819 5.46469 19.8983C9.00563 16.9283 12.6834 16.077 14.25 15.8389V18.8126C14.2497 19.0598 14.3105 19.3032 14.4269 19.5213C14.5434 19.7393 14.7119 19.9252 14.9175 20.0623L15.9487 20.7495C16.1481 20.8826 16.3764 20.9659 16.6145 20.9926C16.8527 21.0193 17.0938 20.9885 17.3176 20.9028C17.5414 20.8172 17.7414 20.6791 17.901 20.5003C18.0605 20.3214 18.1748 20.107 18.2344 19.8748L19.3378 15.7161C20.4204 15.572 21.4138 15.0398 22.1334 14.2183C22.853 13.3968 23.2498 12.3419 23.25 11.2498ZM4.5 18.7433V3.74984C8.51344 7.1164 12.6216 7.96859 14.25 8.17859V14.3173C12.6234 14.5311 8.51625 15.3814 4.5 18.7433ZM16.7812 19.4933V19.5036L15.75 18.8164V15.7498H17.775L16.7812 19.4933ZM18.75 14.2498H15.75V8.24984H18.75C19.5456 8.24984 20.3087 8.56591 20.8713 9.12852C21.4339 9.69112 21.75 10.4542 21.75 11.2498C21.75 12.0455 21.4339 12.8085 20.8713 13.3712C20.3087 13.9338 19.5456 14.2498 18.75 14.2498Z

Grantbook Becomes First Canadian Company to Sell to an Employee Ownership Trust

The employees of Grantbook rang in 2025 as the new owners of the Toronto-based company. Grantbook became majority-owned by Canada’s very first Employee Ownership Trust (EOT).
M15.4163 9.87562L10.9163 6.87562C10.8033 6.80025 10.6719 6.75696 10.5363 6.75039C10.4006 6.74382 10.2657 6.77421 10.146 6.83831C10.0263 6.90241 9.9262 6.99782 9.85645 7.11436C9.7867 7.2309 9.74991 7.36419 9.75 7.5V13.5C9.74991 13.6358 9.7867 13.7691 9.85645 13.8856C9.9262 14.0022 10.0263 14.0976 10.146 14.1617C10.2657 14.2258 10.4006 14.2562 10.5363 14.2496C10.6719 14.243 10.8033 14.1998 10.9163 14.1244L15.4163 11.1244C15.5191 11.0559 15.6035 10.9631 15.6618 10.8542C15.7202 10.7452 15.7507 10.6236 15.7507 10.5C15.7507 10.3764 15.7202 10.2548 15.6618 10.1458C15.6035 10.0369 15.5191 9.94409 15.4163 9.87562ZM11.25 12.0984V8.90625L13.6481 10.5L11.25 12.0984ZM20.25 3.75H3.75C3.35218 3.75 2.97064 3.90804 2.68934 4.18934C2.40804 4.47064 2.25 4.85218 2.25 5.25V15.75C2.25 16.1478 2.40804 16.5294 2.68934 16.8107C2.97064 17.092 3.35218 17.25 3.75 17.25H20.25C20.6478 17.25 21.0294 17.092 21.3107 16.8107C21.592 16.5294 21.75 16.1478 21.75 15.75V5.25C21.75 4.85218 21.592 4.47064 21.3107 4.18934C21.0294 3.90804 20.6478 3.75 20.25 3.75ZM20.25 15.75H3.75V5.25H20.25V15.75ZM21.75 19.5C21.75 19.6989 21.671 19.8897 21.5303 20.0303C21.3897 20.171 21.1989 20.25 21 20.25H3C2.80109 20.25 2.61032 20.171 2.46967 20.0303C2.32902 19.8897 2.25 19.6989 2.25 19.5C2.25 19.3011 2.32902 19.1103 2.46967 18.9697C2.61032 18.829 2.80109 18.75 3 18.75H21C21.1989 18.75 21.3897 18.829 21.5303 18.9697C21.671 19.1103 21.75 19.3011 21.75 19.5Z

Benefits of EOTs

Tiara Letourneau is our guest speaker and talks about the benefits of the new Employee Ownership Trust structure for mid sized business owners looking for an alternative to exit.
M5.25 12.75C5.25 12.9489 5.17098 13.1397 5.03033 13.2803C4.88968 13.421 4.69891 13.5 4.5 13.5H2.25C2.05109 13.5 1.86032 13.421 1.71967 13.2803C1.57902 13.1397 1.5 12.9489 1.5 12.75C1.5 12.5511 1.57902 12.3603 1.71967 12.2197C1.86032 12.079 2.05109 12 2.25 12H3V6H2.25C2.05109 6 1.86032 5.92098 1.71967 5.78033C1.57902 5.63968 1.5 5.44891 1.5 5.25C1.5 5.05109 1.57902 4.86032 1.71967 4.71967C1.86032 4.57902 2.05109 4.5 2.25 4.5H3.75C3.87697 4.49986 4.00189 4.53196 4.11306 4.59329C4.22423 4.65461 4.31802 4.74316 4.38562 4.85063L7.5 9.83531L10.6144 4.8525C10.6818 4.74469 10.7754 4.65577 10.8866 4.59411C10.9978 4.53245 11.1229 4.50006 11.25 4.5H12.75C12.9489 4.5 13.1397 4.57902 13.2803 4.71967C13.421 4.86032 13.5 5.05109 13.5 5.25C13.5 5.44891 13.421 5.63968 13.2803 5.78033C13.1397 5.92098 12.9489 6 12.75 6H12V12H12.75C12.9489 12 13.1397 12.079 13.2803 12.2197C13.421 12.3603 13.5 12.5511 13.5 12.75C13.5 12.9489 13.421 13.1397 13.2803 13.2803C13.1397 13.421 12.9489 13.5 12.75 13.5H10.5C10.3011 13.5 10.1103 13.421 9.96967 13.2803C9.82902 13.1397 9.75 12.9489 9.75 12.75C9.75 12.5511 9.82902 12.3603 9.96967 12.2197C10.1103 12.079 10.3011 12 10.5 12V7.86469L8.13562 11.6475C8.06817 11.7552 7.97445 11.844 7.86327 11.9056C7.75209 11.9671 7.62708 11.9994 7.5 11.9994C7.37292 11.9994 7.24791 11.9671 7.13673 11.9056C7.02555 11.844 6.93183 11.7552 6.86438 11.6475L4.5 7.86469V12C4.69891 12 4.88968 12.079 5.03033 12.2197C5.17098 12.3603 5.25 12.5511 5.25 12.75ZM15.75 10.5H21.75C21.9489 10.5 22.1397 10.421 22.2803 10.2803C22.421 10.1397 22.5 9.94891 22.5 9.75C22.5 9.55109 22.421 9.36032 22.2803 9.21967C22.1397 9.07902 21.9489 9 21.75 9H15.75C15.5511 9 15.3603 9.07902 15.2197 9.21967C15.079 9.36032 15 9.55109 15 9.75C15 9.94891 15.079 10.1397 15.2197 10.2803C15.3603 10.421 15.5511 10.5 15.75 10.5ZM21.75 12H15.75C15.5511 12 15.3603 12.079 15.2197 12.2197C15.079 12.3603 15 12.5511 15 12.75C15 12.9489 15.079 13.1397 15.2197 13.2803C15.3603 13.421 15.5511 13.5 15.75 13.5H21.75C21.9489 13.5 22.1397 13.421 22.2803 13.2803C22.421 13.1397 22.5 12.9489 22.5 12.75C22.5 12.5511 22.421 12.3603 22.2803 12.2197C22.1397 12.079 21.9489 12 21.75 12ZM21.75 15H7.5C7.30109 15 7.11032 15.079 6.96967 15.2197C6.82902 15.3603 6.75 15.5511 6.75 15.75C6.75 15.9489 6.82902 16.1397 6.96967 16.2803C7.11032 16.421 7.30109 16.5 7.5 16.5H21.75C21.9489 16.5 22.1397 16.421 22.2803 16.2803C22.421 16.1397 22.5 15.9489 22.5 15.75C22.5 15.5511 22.421 15.3603 22.2803 15.2197C22.1397 15.079 21.9489 15 21.75 15ZM21.75 18H7.5C7.30109 18 7.11032 18.079 6.96967 18.2197C6.82902 18.3603 6.75 18.5511 6.75 18.75C6.75 18.9489 6.82902 19.1397 6.96967 19.2803C7.11032 19.421 7.30109 19.5 7.5 19.5H21.75C21.9489 19.5 22.1397 19.421 22.2803 19.2803C22.421 19.1397 22.5 18.9489 22.5 18.75C22.5 18.5511 22.421 18.3603 22.2803 18.2197C22.1397 18.079 21.9489 18 21.75 18Z

What Management Needs to Know about Employee Ownership Trusts

We're now owned by an Employee Ownership Trust. What should we do as managers? Learn how to maintain operations while fostering an employee-ownership culture.